SANDBOXED: Paradise or Prison
: by Yvonne DeBandi

Naked. Face down in the sand. Stranded alone on an island. That was my first memory. I was completely alone… or was I?

Join a cast of characters that keep you guessing about the life of our mysterious Jane Doe: a handsome neurologist in over his head, a software engineer that can’t let go of the past, a greedy corporate president that will do whatever it takes to win, a conniving shrew that plays people like a game of chess, a pithy computer programmer not afraid to break the rules, a man in love that gets his hands dirty, and many other surprising character twists we won’t spoil for you.

What do readers say the most about SANDBOXED?
“Woah, I did not see that coming!”

Get your copy today and see if you can guess the ending. Available as Paperback, Kindle Download or FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

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